Scalp acne, the mildest form of which is also known as scalp folliculitis, occurs more frequently than most people realize. Just about everyone knows what acne is and that it commonly breaks out on the face, chest, arms and on the back. But acne also appears on other parts of the body as well, and unless you’re someone with acne in one of these ‘other’ areas, you may not have realized this.
Scalp acne and those similar to it, are often triggered during periods of great stress. This irritating scalp condition usually develops when the scalp becomes oilier than usual, for example when the hair isn’t washed as frequently or when hair care products that contain a considerable amount of oil are used.
Scalp acne can be very itchy and therefore makes it very difficult for those who have it to leave it alone. In its mildest form, the pustules are small, crusty, and they’re sore. They appear mainly on the upper forehead at the hairline. A person can have just a few pustules or there can be many.
A more severe form of scalp acne called acne necrotica miliaris is characterized by inflamed larger papules with black-colored crusts. This...