The rising price of gasoline has produced a surge of products that promise to provide relief at the gas pump. Unfortunately, most of them are rip-offs! Some are even dangerous, to your health or to your car.
In May of 2006, Texas based BioPerformance, Inc., was shut down by the Attorney General for being an illegal pyramid scheme. The company’s product, a pill for the gas tank that was supposed to increase gas mileage, was found to be chemically equivalent to mothballs, which are toxic.
Even though both company and product were complete frauds, each still drew a large crowd. To promote BioPerformance and suck people into the illegal pyramid scheme (which was disguised as multi-level marketing), the company sponsored big, pep-rally like seminars around the country. At the seminars, people who paid lots of money to have the privilege to sell the little gas pill were encouraged to believe in the product and its ability to make money, despite the fact the BioPerformance bottle had a disclaimer in tiny print: “BioPerformance, Inc., doesn’t guarantee anyone any results”
To further encouraged people, the president of BioPerformance, a...