The Chickens have home to roost, so to speak. The corrupt Republican smear & scare mongering juggernaut has been sacked!
A strong Democratic onslaught has left the “Quarterback” limping badly, and his “Receivers” are scattered all over the political playing field.
Throw in Pastor Ted Haggard’s Methamphetamine laced gay sex scandal, and not even a “Saddam Finale” could rescue the Republicans.
Over the last three weeks the Republican strategy has been basically a chorus of fear mongering and the raining of shameless, desperate and Racist ads into our living rooms. Here goes:
– A win for the Dems is a win for terrorists!
– Nancy Pelosi is an “Extreme Liberal” from “Gay San Francisco!”
– Oh my God! Charlie Rangel (a black Congressman) will be running the Ways & Means Committee!
– The Dems will raise your taxes!
– 20 million “filthy” immigrants have invaded us and are tearing this country asunder!
Profane and blasphemous inflammations!
The American people are not that stupid after all, they are tired...