These days there are bags for all categories of people, based on profession, age, purpose, etc. The number of companies making bags has increased immensely. Each of these companies produces bags of different models, shapes and colors. You can easily find the type of bag you need by going through different models of bags in a local bag store.
Similarly, there are bags for the school going community also. Bag companies are aware of the fact that school goers mainly wish for bags that serve three main functions – fun, fashion, and function. There are some factors to consider when choosing a school bag.
a) Size of the bag:
School goers need to take a lot of stuff with them. So the school bags must have enough space to take in all the stuff that is to be taken to school.
b) Strength:
As stated above, the school goers take a lot of stuff to school. Hence, the material with which the school bags are made should be of good quality. The bag should be able to take excess loads and not transfer all the weight to your arms.
c) Regularly load carried:
The size of the bag must be decided in proportion to the daily load of books being...