School Rankings are considered by many different groups. Parents and students use the data provided in a report of School Rankings to determine which school the students should attend. Most parents dont want to send their kid to a school that has a low-performance level. Looking at these reports can help them see which schools are doing well and which ones are not. Administrators of schools and their districts can use School Rankings in order to see how their school measures up to others around them, or to other schools that have the same demographics, characteristics, ethnic groups, or socioeconomic backgrounds. State boards of education look at School Rankings to compare how the schools throughout their states are doing, and then look at how they measure up against other states schools.
Other groups that may look at School Rankings are community organizations or business leaders. These groups may want to make a cash donation or award a grant to a particular school, and examining School Rankings is a good, easy way to determine which school needs the monetary support these groups can give.
Oftentimes, schools that are high in School Rankings gather the most...