A successful attempt at scoring
Lets break that definition of Goals down a little. When you attempt a goal, does that mean you hit the mark you were shooting for? Or does it mean you tried? And if you tried [attempted] and did not hit the goal you intended does that mean the attempt had no value? When a baby attempts to take the 1st step and falls, have they moved a little closer to walking? Of course he or she has! Success is at every attempt
Love Goals or hate them, most successful people set Goals. Can you succeed without them? Some have. What about you? Do you need a goal?
Maybe what we should do first is find out why goals are scary to many. For one thing, what if we set one and dont achieve it. Are you now a failure? Hey, what is failure anyway?
Failing is actually hard to make happen.
When we get right down to it, failure is darn hard to make happen. I was a salesman for some time and it took about 10 calls until I made a sale. Each sale I made $1,000 dollars.
Heres the question.
Did I fail 9 times and succeed once? So would say yes. You know what I did? I said to myself, it takes 10 calls to make every sale. So each call...