Electronics are integral to everyday life and electronic components are in high demand. Semiconductors are used in forming electronic components. Semiconductor technology has grown a great deal, and these days, most electronic parts make use of semiconductor technology. Thus, most of the integrated circuits and diodes that we use (among other things) are functioning on semiconductor technology.
When dealing with electronics, one has to have an understanding of what semiconductors are and how they work. Now, the substances that we come into contact with are divided into three main categories based on the way in which they conduct electric current. These three categories are: conductors, non-conductors, and semiconductors. In the simplest of terms, materials that allow the flow of electrical current are called conductors, and the ones that do not allow this flow are called non-conductors. A large number of metals fall into the first category while materials like plastic and wood fall into the second. A semiconductor is somewhere in between these two categories. Silicon is among the most popular semiconductors that are used.
Semiconductor technology has been making...