Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci Announces The New Last Minute Special Offers For Summer 2007
Florence, Italy July 13, 2007 — Don’t you have a plan for this summer? Are you looking for a different holiday? Once again, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci, one of Italy’s largest provider of in-country Italian language schools in Italy, is announcing new special offers for the summer 2007 presenting innovative plans to promote the learning of the Italian language.
This year following the great success of the last Special Offers in 2006, Scuola Leonardo da Vinci will feature new last minute language travel packages in Italy in all its Italian language school centers (Florence, Milan. Rome and Siena).
The “last minute language travel package” is an offer comprehensive of a 2 week language and culture course and an accomodation in shared apartment, for students who wish to experience living and studying in Italy.
For the morning you can study Italian, while for the afternoon you can visit the city, with the free guided tours, or partecipate to the many cultural activities organized by the school. For the night you can have an aperitivo, a dinner...