Seattle, Washington has a great deal to offer its discerning visitors. From the ordinary and mundane to the out and out macabre, you will see it all while visiting Seattle, Washington, if, that is, you know where to look for them. Seattle has a rich history and it seems an even richer future. Nestled among some of the most beautiful countryside North America has to offer, this great city has the best of most worlds-a very mild climate, access to water, land, mountains, fields, and streams. Seattle is like every patriotic song you can imagine and in the middle of it all Seattle is a bustling metropolis.
If you are planning to visit Seattle, I have one word of warning for you. You will probably want to stay. That is of course, if you aren’t too worried by rain. The only real drawback I can see for living in Seattle is that your skin will have a difficult time getting that sun kissed glow that summer brings almost everywhere else in America. But I think I could sacrifice sweltering heat and sticky humidity in exchange for a little rain. In fact, I would welcome a little rain right now; it might actually cool things off.
For those who have tastes that run a...