Weight lossif we could just find the right diet we would achieve our goals, right? The sad truth is that weight loss diets, for the most part, dont work and are becoming a thing of the past. Research shows that 85-95% of dieters regain any weight theyve lost within 3-5 years. Most diets simply dictate what to eat and how much, and usually dont teach us to make better food choices once we go off. When we go back to our old habits the weight comes back and we end up in a constant battle to get the weight down again.
When you quit diets and instead change to eating nutrient rich foods and enjoy fun foods in moderation, weight loss can be the natural result. Other well-known benefits include increased energy, vitality and freedom from disease. Additionally, if you stay active and eat in moderation you dont have to give up the foods you enjoy. Yes, that means you can enjoy cake, cookies, and other treats and still lose weight when you learn how to balance them appropriately in your diet. So the BIG question is: Why dont more of us choose a health-promoting lifestyle vs. the diet djour in our world today?
Part of the reason is that we are conditioned in the diet...