Many people will have heard about identity theft in the media lately. Identity theft is a growing problem in the UK, having originated in the US. It involves stealing the personal information of an unsuspecting person and using this information to get access to their bank account or other funds such as their credit card. These days, so much of our financial system is computerised that it is very possible to get away with thousands of pounds of someone elses money, especially if it is on a credit card, before anyone will notice what has happened.
Most people will have a huge amount of funds available to them on their credit cards alone. In fact the average customer will often have as much as ten thousand pounds or more available to them instantly in the form of credit card debt. While most people would not wish to ever spend this much money on their credit card, it is available to them and if it were to be spent without their knowledge they would have a very hard time paying it all back.
This is exactly what an identity thief will do. They will max out as much of the credit available to you that they can get their hands on leaving you with potentially disastrous...