If you have equity in your home and youre overextended with credit card debt with high interest rates, then it would be foolish for you not to consider taking out a home equity loan. After all, its probably the only sensible financial product out there that can lower your debt without affecting your credit. In general, if it is available to you, then you may want to use a home equity loan to ease your debt burden before anything else, including debt settlement consolidation. Like most things, however, there are downsides to getting a home equity loan or refinancing your mortgage that must be considered before choosing a solution thats appropriate to your individual situation.
1. Bear in mind the possibility of foreclosure. If its even a question whether youll be able to afford the monthly payment on your debt consolidation loan, then avoid it at all costs. By securing the loan with your property, you could be risking your home when wide array of options are already available to you. On a related note, if your basis for being able to afford the monthly payment rests on things like, Once I close that big deal at work next month or I should get my promotion by then,...