During the past five years lenders have seen a boom in the demand for second mortgages as borrowers look to capitalise on the equity in their home. The low cost of borrowing coupled with the spiralling value of homes in the UK has led to a substantial strengthening of the equity position of many a homeowner. The equity position of some homeowners is in fact so strong that they now find themselves in the fortunate position of having more equity in their home than they have debts secured against their home on first mortgages and other loans.
Buoyed by the healthy state of positive property equity confidence is running high when it comes to homeowners committing to further borrowing. Many are taking the opportunity to secure second and even third charge loans against the equity in their property in order to release cash funds. Even the more conservative borrowers are now beginning to see the light, despite experts predicting of an imminent slowdown in the housing market.
If you’re thinking about releasing equity in your home through a second mortgage, here are some things you’ll need to consider before you take the plunge: –
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