Not all security camera Digital Video Recorders, or DVRs, are created equal. Remember this as you look for security camera DVRs for your business. There are great DVRs, good DVRs, and DVRs so terrible you cannot tell what you’re looking at.
DVR stands for Digital Video Recorder. It is faster and easier to manage than non-digital and analog systems. Moreover, it provides instant access to recorded or live video. You need not worry about storage, too, because the bulk of video that can be stored on a single disc tremendously outweighs that stored on tape. In fact, a single disc is the equivalent of over 30 VCR tapes. What this means is that you get to economize on space use and costs. The bigger your office space and thus, the more cameras you use, the more you will be able to appreciate the money DVRs can save you.
There are two main types of security camera DVRs, pc-based and stand-alone.
PC-based Security Camera DVR with Video Capture Board
A PC-based DVR is a digital video recorder built like a computer. It may consist of two things: a tower mount or a rack mount. Inside it, you will find a mother board, network card, video card, CPU, hard...