When I log onto the computer for the first time each day I have a security feature that tells me if there are issues that need to be addressed. The issue could be something as small as downloading a new update or performing a routine scan. The system can even alert me if an attack on my system has been launched and then prevents it.
Every business needs security. For brick and mortar stores that typically means either a security guard and/or motion sensing alarms. For online business it means software solutions that eliminate spyware, adware and multiple viruses. The solutions go further than providing anti-virus protection and firewall features.
It may amaze you, but attacks on small businesses are much more prevalent than large businesses. Why? Primarily because the small business owner does not think of themselves as being target worthy. After all, they are small, so the thinking insists a larger business is more desirable for hacking purposes.
Larger businesses understand the need for security and hackers have come to recognize that larger businesses do not make attractive targets because they work hard to keep their information secure. Some of the more...