If the businesses hiring the security company do not feel they are getting good service then you can expect they will be much more open to the next security company sales person who offers a slightly lower price for the same basic purported services.
Your security company holds a great deal of responsibility and if your instincts are telling you that they are not the right company for the job, it is time to begin an intensive search for a new home security company.
Of course all this makes perfect sense to you and yet you are asking how can we improve customer service? You can also offer to meet with the owner of the company or branch manager every two-weeks and see if everything is fine or if there are additional needs to be addressed and if so take those items and put them inside the security vehicles assigned to that site or on the clip board of the usual driver or security guard.
With all the attention given to security these days its no wonder that we are driven to reassess the most elementary of security measures that which is found in our homes. A comprehensive security service will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing youve done all...