The show that literally redefined the sitcom genre, Seinfeld evolved from an idea of a show about nothing into a sacred pop culture icon. The show follows the life and times of comedian Jerry Seinfeld and his best friends, George Costanza (Jason Alexander), Cosmo Kramer (Michael Richards), and Elaine Benes (Julia Louis-Dreyfus). Living lives of complete selfishness (which is why most of us relate so well to the show), theyre joined by an extensive cast of eccentric supporting characters such as Newman, Uncle Leo, J. Peterman, the Soup Nazi, Frank and Estelle Costanza, and countless others.
The Seinfeld (Season 7) DVD features some of most hilarious episodes in the series including the season premiere The Engagement in which Jerry and George agree that their lives are utterly pathetic, prompting them to make a pact to settle down. Reinvigorated by life, George proposes to his ex-girlfriend Susan, but is soon enraged when he discovers Jerry has broken up with his latest girlfriend. As a result, George spends the remainder of Season 7 trying to concoct the perfect scheme for breaking up with Susan.
Another notable episode is The Soup Nazi, an episode based on a real...