Why do you read publications? Is it a form of entertainment, a hobby, for educational purposes or is it as a fact that you are left with no option? Let’s say you are at the bus or train station or at the airport waiting for your departure.
Skimming through these pages may have something remarkable in your life without you getting to know it. There is something said that whatever you sow, you reap. Thus what you put into your mind as input, you get back from your character as output. Be careful with what you read. It has even been said people get initiated into cultic association from reading what they should not have read.
There are magazines that educate, especially those that tell of “how-to-do’ topics. With such publications you can sit at home and learn a trade or hobby. Think of publications that tell of ways to cater for a garden or pet, publications the offer first aid tips, publications that provide homemaking arts. There are many things which you will never have the time to gain knowledge of if you were to attend lectures. The magazines have these for you to exploit. You must not let your reading or leisure time waste away. Read...