As winter days grow longer, the gardener in all of us longs to be out digging in the dirt. After many cold months of sitting in warm kitchens and happily dreaming of flower and vegetable gardens, it is a wonderful feeling to finally get outside in the sun and feel the earth beneath your fingertips. If you have never before known the satisfaction of working the soil and nurturing plants, there is no time like the present to start enjoying everything that gardening has to offer. You will need a few simple tools to start on your way. Many of the tools available are extraneous and easily done without, but there are a few basics that no gardener should be without. Use this handy checklist to take stock of the tools in your garden shed.
Spading Fork: This tool is usually the first tool that you will use when spring rolls around. A spading fork is an important tool for breaking up hard, winter packed soil and combing additives such as compost or manure into your dirt. A spading tool looks like a smaller version of the pitchfork farmers have used for years. Unlike the pitchfork, a spading fork has wider tines and a smaller handle.
Hoe: This tool is very helpful for...