Ah, online casino selection. Now there’s a potential pain in the butt. It was one thing to select an online casino back in the late 90s, but today there are loads of online casinos and more seem to pop up daily. I’ve got three solid tips to help you stay safe and have fun by selecting that perfect online casino for you. Following these few quick tips can save you a world of hurt. Ready? Okay, let’s jump right into it.
Selection Tip One
It starts with credibility. We want to find trustworthy online casinos. After all, if they are not trustworthy, then nothing else matters. This can be a bit tricky. I mean no online casino is going to tell you they aren’t trustworthy on the front page. But, we can simplify this task. My favorite thing to do is visit Google-and I’ll follow this up with MSN and Yahoo too. If you use the plus sign, you can single out pages that contain all of your search words. So, if we pair the online casinos name (or domain name) with hot words, such as scam, illegal, arrested, rip off and so forth. Here’s a search example: Casino+name+scam Domain.com+scam
Selection Tip Two
So, we’ve done the...