If you’re currently renting or leasing a residence, you probably often think about how wonderful it will be to actually own a place of your own. You could finally paint the walls that shade of beige that you love, remove the shaggy carpet and replace it with laminate, and not have to worry about every scratch your cat makes in the paneling.
Additionally, its no secret that renters essentially throw away thousands of dollars every year without getting the benefits such as tax breaks afforded to homeowners. But what if you are self-employed and make only an estimated salary What if you’re a self-described freelancer or consultant Never fear There are self certification loans geared just for you
Self certification loans are offered by many financial institutions as a way for the self-employed or those who cannot prove income for the past three years to borrow funding to pay for homes or other items. After all, without official pay stubs, many banks and lenders will not even consider a loan application thus, self certification loans open the door perhaps even the FRONT door to a new home for persons of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences to afford their...