You are elderly and unfit. And very concerned at the risk you face when walking our streets and parks.
Worried about mugging. Frightened about rape. Scared of yobs. You want to learn how to give yourself a better than even chance of survival.
You have decided to join a self defence class. But which one?
Karate? Aikido? Judo? Ju-jutsu? Kung-fu? Hapkido? The list is truly endless.
My advice? Dont join any! If you do, you will have NO chance of surviving a mugging or a rape attack! I truly mean that!
Dont bother with self defence classes. They are a complete and total waste of time. You will be led into a false sense of security and to your horror will find yourself smashed and broken the instant you try to apply what you have been taught. Im sorry, but thats the way it is.
The perhaps drugged-up attacker is in a desperate state of mind. If he is caught or identified he can expect a long prison term. So he HAS to smash you. He HAS to win. He has NO choice. He MUST leave you dead or seriously broken.
What chance do you have? If you try to apply martial arts techniques: None!
Why do I say all this? There is a system of Grades...