With diverse loans being pioneered in every walk of life in order to support individuals who find it difficult to meet financial responsibilities, it became crucial to create loans for the affluent too. It is possible that people who seem rather well-heeled may also face trying economic situations, just like you and me. After all when a financial crunch arises, it doesnt do so by studying your bank account. These loans that cater to the self employed, sole proprietors, autonomous businessmen, independent contractors and consultants are called Self Employed Loans.
Unlike employees, who work in an organisation, where they can easily depend on their managers for their monthly paycheques; self employed individuals have nowhere to go in case something goes wrong. Earlier, it was very difficult for such individuals to borrow money from the market as they had no proof of guaranteed income and no one to assure lenders of their repayment too. Hence, the self employed were declined loans very often. With the number of the self employed increasing by the day, lenders chose to use this to their advantage and so emerged with Self Employed Loans.
Self employed Loans are...