Self esteem is something I believe that we would all like to have but when you have some powerful addiction one of the first things you lose is your self esteem.
None of us like to think we are addicted to something and are adamant that we are in complete control, only doing what we do because we so enjoy it and that giving it up would be so easy its just that we dont want to give it up isnt it?!!!
There are many different type of addictions such as alcohol, drugs, overeating, sex, perfectionism the list could go on and on and we all think that one addiction is worse than another well that is not really the case each addiction affects the self esteem and well being of the affected person and probably their loved ones and family as well.
Once the person faces up to the fact that they do have a problem, and that is most certainly the first stage, then they might seek some form of professional help now I am not knocking these professionals because I truly believe that they do a great job but unless you reach the inner being of the person I truly believe that it is only a matter of time before that person who was supposedly cured starts all over again with...