Self Help – Mind Body Spirit Information That Will Challenge The Way You View Life!
Regardless of personal viewpoint about spirituality, many have wondered what would have happened if Saddam Hussein hadn’t been stopped when he first invaded Kuwait back in the early nineties? Well, this story explores that scenario to its surprising conclusion and then reinvents the scene time and again in a sequence similar to ‘Groundhog Day’ but in a self help mind, body, spirit theme. The result is a story that has led many readers to question their concept of so-called reality!
I initially believed I was writing a fictional story about angel ET benefactors influencing our world. But when I completed the first book, The Blue Star Millennium, found on , many readers were convinced that the depicted world events had actually happened, even though recorded history shows a different outcome. That’s when the concept of an alternative reality suddenly gelled into the possibility that world events could change depending on the will of the masses.
As far as I was concerned, I was simply writing an...