What is an annuity?
An annuity is a regular income flowing monthly that a person receives through an investment. You can get this series of payments after your initial investment of money. Annuities are usually related to a contract between you and a life insurance company, but a charity or a trust can also be contracted for this same purpose.
Why would you want to sell annuities?
You are probably wondering what possible reason you can get from selling annuities. Here is a reason why. Annuities are, in general, highly safe investments. But considering the long run, they have relatively low returns compared to some other alternatives. So what you can do is to make it a short-term investment.
Selling an annuity will give you a lump-sum payment. Doing this is a way of spreading your assets around, reducing financial risks and increasing your potential of getting good profits from these assets. This can be especially useful if you are in need of money for a large purchase such as purchasing a property or settling a loan.
What are the ways that you can sell annuities?
Annuities come in many forms such as a single-premium or flexible-premium...