You have probably received or sent roses at least once in your life. Besides the obvious “Someone has thought of me”, what do roses say? Roses and their colors have different meanings. So before you send your next bouquet or after you have received one, you need to read this. Is there a secret message behind that delivery?
As most people may know, the traditional bouquet of red roses signifies love. But nowadays, depending on who you ask, red roses can be described as anything from a classic bouquet of flowers to original and boring. One thing is certain however, red roses remain the most popular of them all.
Yellow roses used to represent jealousy, but somewhere along the lines its representation changes to mean joy and friendship. Yellow roses with red tips represent friendship blossoming into love. .
White roses are often known as the bridal flower, but the real meaning of white roses is purity, loyalty and innocence.
Orange and Coral roses express desire and fascination. Be sure not to send the wrong message with this bold bouquet.
Pink roses have different meanings depending on the shade of pink. Light pink roses express...