Everyone knows how hard it is to make a business known to people. Businessmen usually employ a lot of advertising strategies just so that they can boost their sales a bit.
The usual ways through which a person can advertise is television, radio, magazines, billboards, letters, and newspapers. But now, theres a whole new playing field on the internet. Be the master of this new playing field and youll soon be rolling in riches.
The internet is like the outer space for business men. Its the final frontier. Conquer it and youll have conquered your business. Millions and millions of people log on every single day. This means that your business ads have the potential to be seen by millions of people. Imagine the amount of advertising youll get and also the profit that goes along with it.
— Fighting for Space in the Internet —
But this final frontier is so very different from outer space. For one thing, there wont be just two competitors like there were only Russia and America to fight over space back then. The internet is an entirely different ball game. For one, the net is saturated with people. Even the most bizarre businesses...