SEO – How To Think Like Your Customers To Find Key Words
You can use a thesaurus (either online or offline) to come up with keywords for your search optimization efforts or you can think like your customers. Your first step to thinking like your customers is to write out a short description of your business for your own use. Come up with a two-line description and then a way of describing it in less than five words. These are phrases that will come in handy for you later no whether you are using Adsense, submitting descriptions of article directories or entering descriptive phrases into URL submission programs. A good web based thesaurus is Rogets Internet Thesaurus.
When writing the two descriptions of your business as described above be sure to include a concise description of what exactly it is you do. Think of exactly what it is that makes your business unique or different in its objectives than your competition and include those words and phrases. Then expand that list to include one to five word descriptions of everything that you do or sell on your website. This is an incredibly effective way to create keyword combinations that can drive targeted...