It can be difficult to generate unique content each and every day that you sit down to write your blog. This is where RSS feeds and news stories can provide a valuable source of inspiration. Many blogs simply are commentaries on what is going on in the news, rather than an attempt to announce the news. This is because you simply are not a news provider. When you provide news to your readers in this way it is called filtered writing.
The best way to take this reactive position as a blog writer is to always dynamically link your commentary to the source of the news story or the article. You can also link to others commenting on the same subject in other blogs. This gets your name and the name of your product out there and raises your search engine page rankings.
The reason you want to always link your ideas is two-fold. First of all the search engines rank you according to the number of links indexed on your site. The more pages it finds linked to yours, the higher your visibility will be in the web search pages. Second of all, showing your readers that you know how to research and give credit where it is due shows that you are a professional. It simply lends you an...