If you are thinking of getting into marketing products on the Internet, PLR (public label rights) is one of the easiest ways to go. However it is downloadable informational products that are all rage and offer you the most profit for the least amount of investment. There are currently thousands of internet sites selling all kinds of PLR products including e-courses, e-books, individual articles or series of articles, graphics, website templates or scripts and programming source code so you have plenty of products to choose from.
The easiest most clear cut way to make money selling PLR content is to find stuff in the Public Domain and simply compile it and sell it as an online e-book. However remember that to make money your e-book must contain unique or niche content that people are willing to pay for. This means that your PLR material must be unlike any information found for free on the Internet. Nobody is willing to pay for information that they can get for free because it has fallen into the Public Domain. You also need some kind of security when you sell it so others dont copy your PLR idea.
Selling PLR content as an e-book is simple. You create the e-book and...