What is all the uproar about SEO optimization about? It’s such a hassle to mess with that stuff. You should just go over right now and set up a pay-per-click account and get visitors to your website today. Is there a problem
with that?
The problem you run into here is you throw hours away searching and finding just the right keywords, studying how to set up your ads just right, figuring out how much you can pay per click for your advertising to pay off in sales and many other small details.
After all this you hopefully are making a little headway and you are happy with the way your advertising is going. All seems well in your internet business world.
Then boom! Like a bolt of lightning your world is shattered.
Many online marketers actually lived this story in real life when their bread and butter ad campaigns were blown out of the water overnight.
Many people woke up one morning and found that their low cost keywords exploded up to 10 times the cost and more. Pay-per-click gurus were scrambling to pick up the pieces. Some had to go back to the drawing board to rework their strategies or even scrapping their business...