SEO – Real Time Payment Is Crucial To Seo
Making sure that your web site can take credit card payments in a seamless manner is crucial to your websites success. This is because the ability for a web site to take credit cards is part of some search engine algorithms when your site is being catalogued by them for indexing on the search engine pages. So basically, a site that does not take credit cards may be indexed lower than one that does not. This of course is a rumor because the algorithms used by the major search engines do change from time to time but most SEO experts believe that the inability to take payments can sink a website in the page rankings.
The most popular method of payment are credit cards. The details to are transmitted over the Internet. There are several variations to this method of payment credit card payments processed in real-time by an authorized bank (or banking network) or manual processing. Real-time credit card processing will incur additional costs but will enhance security and speed up the administration process. Manual processing is really old fashioned and likely to turn your customer right off. Everything is automated right...