Websites that are popular, that are functional and that have high page rankings are not ones that were done in a fly by night manner. They were constructed from a solid business plan Not sure how to write a business plan? One really good place to look is on your local or federal government websites. They bend over backwards to spell out the process for you.
Whether your site is big or small you still should create a plan that outlines your goals, expected costs, marketing plan and exit strategy. A business plan is your road map for how you expect to succeed and how you’ll measure success.
The basic components of your business plan are
– A summary outlining your goals and objectives. This summary clarifies your intentions and explains in a few paragraphs your short- and long-term goals for the company.
– Your biography. This tells others who you are and how you came to be an expert or become passionate about what you have chosen to sell. This part of a business plan often reveals crucial keywords for SEO.
– A persuasive pitch. This is a page of writing that describes product you plan to offer and a discussion how your...