You probably shouldnt embark on an SEO (search engine optimization) campaign if you have a business that is very generic. Sometime SEO techniques are a waste of time on business that are mass marketed on the web. This is because any search terms that you could find are likely to be buried deep in the page rankings. Examples of online businesses that are commonly glutted with too many SEO articles are mortgage, loans, casinos, sex, insurance, health, airfare, hotels, psychics, business-to-business products, home business and dating. SEO works best for sites that are targeted by a niche topic or product that is narrower in its scope.
Another thing to think about is that not all sites are suited to search engine-optimized copywriting. Some sites that sell simple products like light bulbs or toilet paper simply don’t require that much text on their pages.
Another problem is that adding pages of spider food for the search engines in the form of SEO paragraphs could ruin the look and tone of your site. It could also degrade the central message that you are trying to get across with your copywriting and also with your visuals. If you are undecided about which comes...