There are hundreds and even thousands of individuals online that are interested in the knowledge you possess. The bad news is these individuals are not motivated enough to search endlessly through individual sites to find you.
Time is a valuable commodity and these individuals may have better luck finding you if you take your expertise to them.
A free articles directory like and others provide an immediate way to connect with individuals who are searching for the perfect content to add to their website.
When looking at this from the standpoint of pure Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy this can be a no cost way to facilitate inbound links and motivated visitors.
Every website wants to provide quality online content and your knowledge could provide the content a multitude of sites would consider useful.
The reason you want to write about things that are within your realm of expertise is that you likely have a website that caters to this knowledge base. When you place a free-to-use article in an articles directory for free use, your payment is an increase in potential visitors. It is possible to see an article downloaded...