If you dont know what type of search engine optimized article to write for your web site then it is a good idea to consider writing some kind of FAQ article. FAQ stands for frequently asked questions. If you go to a message board or forum about a topic and provide a 250-word answer to a commonly asked question on these boards and then upload all of this information to your site you will probably get tons of traffic and also clicks on your affiliate links.
The best thing about a FAQ article, which can be as tiny as 500 words. The great thing about the Question and Answer format is that often you can stumble across the very language that people are actually using when they type questions about this subject into a popular search engine like Google or Yahoo. So when you do your market research properly and try to find what you need on the forums at big websites like ivillage or on huge consumer or product review sites then you are practically being handed the keywords that you need to optimize your website on a silver platter.
As mentioned previously in this blog, a good source of keywords is the overture inventory tool, which is a free tool for searching for the...