It’s unlikely that any successful person or company operates without goals. They may have one giant or lofty goal. They may have a series of smaller goals leading up to the ultimate achievement but success is built upon goals. Goals accomplish many things. Three of the primary accomplishments are:
Goals energize people and energetic people achieve more.
Goals signal the direction of the company and sales team.
Goals measure the achievement of the organization.
Do you know how to establish reasonable goals?
Follow this simple five-step plan to set goals to increase sales.
1. Start with national or company objectives.
You must know all metrics acceptable to sustain growth. Historical data should be considered in addition to the makeup, ability and desire of the entire sales organization. If the economy or governmental regulations impact your business you must consider them in your plan. Why not start at the bottom to establish goals? After all, don’t salespeople have a better feel for potential and reality?
Scenario: Each sales representative assesses their territory, results from prior years, market share and...