To achieve a goal, there is a process that you should implement. This process is to streamline and analyze your objectives. Begin at the very beginning at the smallest, specific part. These are the most important steps to take to meet the guidelines. An objective is a way of knowing what action or plan is to be taken and identifying the expected results. This plan provides a set of directions so that making the decision will not be as complicated as when the goal is just being considered.
Peter Ducker documented a book published in 1954 entitled Practiced Management wherein MBO which stands for Management by Objectives, was introduced. This is a program that consists of simple but very useful processes in order to meet commitments in an organization. Never worry, as this is also applicable to personal plans.
MBO consists of 5 steps:
1. It should be SPECIFIC. It is better to accomplish one goal at a time rather than thinking of several different plans at one time. A single objective cannot be derived if there are two or more results expected. Whats important is that there is a need to clarify what is to be achieved and should have your full attention. This...