Imagine a boat on the high seas. The boat is equipped with the latest instruments and gadgets. All the officers and the sailors are fully trained. The fuel tanks are full. The machinery is in order. Everything is fit and fine. Except that the boat has started sailing, but the commander does not know the destination.
Some people live like this boat. They are well educated, and healthy in body. But as they have set no goals for their life, they keep on changing the direction at every opportunity. What are goals and how do goals help us in life? Let us discuss this. We have many parts in our life that combine together to give us a whole look. Career, home, religion, hobbies, friends are some such parts of our life.
For some of us who are young, career goals take the priority. For some others family goals are equally important. For those who are now retired, friends, hobbies, religion, get the priority. One has to sit quietly and think and write about one’s goals. One has to imagine of the ideal life, one desires, and what must happen to get that ideal life. That will give broad parameters of goals in different areas.
Once we know our goals in general, we...