Once you have your business plan and strategy in place you may have to get a programmer to make customized payment software that will enable you to process online payments.
If you have all this in place you will need to contact an Acquiring bank to complete the infrastructure. The problem is that you will have to confirm to a strict list of preconditions the banks lay down in order for a business to qualify for their online services.
It is possible that the bank you have your corporate account with may just refuse you access to their online payment services. The checklist of preconditions is sometimes endless and you will do well to ensure you satisfy all the requirements before applying to any bank.
You will need to provide the bank with details that include: the nature of your business, where you expect the cash to flow in from, explain the details of all your products and services, assure the bank that you will deliver the products and services, explain your terms and conditions for online transactions, give a detailed estimate of your turnover, how many credit card or debit card transactions you are expecting,
(See how difficult it...