Once again, the internet marketing juggernaut is rolling out a totally brand new style of product. The difference is that this time it is a good thing as opposed to previous rollouts that were just a vain attempt to rip more money from unsuspecting consumers and at sky high prices.
Traditionally, ebooks and information has sold online at what can only be described as ridiculous prices compared to an offline bookshop. We have seen innumerable ebooks priced at anywhere up to $127 and sometimes more. The bulk of the ebooks of course have been around the $27 mark, which is still outrageous compared to offline book prices.
The reason for this in the past is mainly due to the high commissions being paid to affiliates in order to promote the ebook. An individual would write a book, but would have no chance of making much in the way of sales from a single web site. Consequently, they would recruit an army of affiliates by offering commissions of anywhere between 20% and 75%. This strategy always worked and an author could well end up with thousands of affiliates promoting the ebook on their websites and through mail outs to their lists. It was all a numbers game. ...