Insomniacs either suffer from their inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for a reasonable or normal number of sleeping hours. In the United States alone, more than 50 million people are suffering from insomnia every year. Individuals who are known to have this type of sleeping problem generally complain about their inability to rest their minds and even close their eyes in just a few minutes.
Insomnia has three types; these are transient, chronic, and acute. The simplest type is the transient insomnia, which only lasts from one day to a couple of weeks. Acute insomnia is characterize as the inability to have a consistent sleep within three weeks to six months. On the other hand, chronic insomnia is considered to be the most serious type of insomnia as this can continue nightly for one month.
The following are the known causes of insomnia:
1. Hormonal shifts
2. Mental illness
3. Psychoactive stimulants and drugs
4. Poor sleeping hygiene
5. Disruptive sleeping events such as sleepwalking and nightmares
Since almost all cases of insomnia are symptoms to more complicated illnesses and...