If you own your own website, there are a variety of things you can do to generate extra income for yourself. To enjoy the most success for your efforts, you must take into consideration your existing website content, as well as your particular target audience. You will also want to know the approximate number of visitors you regularly receive to your website.
Once you have this information, you can implement any of the following:
1. Include Google Adsense on your web pages. Google delivers text and image ads that are targeted to your site and its content. When people click on an ad, you will receive a portion of the amount paid to Google by the advertiser. On average, you can expect to receive anywhere between 2 cents to a dollar per click, depending on the keyword.
2. Make money selling other people’s products and services through affiliate programs. Each program you register for should provide you with an affiliate link to track your referrals. Depending on the program, you will normally be paid on a per sale basis or for each sign-up you generate.
3. Sell advertising space on your web site. You could sell banner and/or classified...