One of the more significant pieces of California legislation that went into effect on January 1, 2005, was AB 1825. This law requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide two hours of sexual harassment training and education to all supervisory employees by the end of 2005. It also mandates that these employees will receive sexual harassment training and education once every two years after January 1, 2006.
It is important to note that temporary employees, independent contractors and workers outside of the state of California are not excluded in the 50-employee tally. Be sure you count every employee before you decide this legislation doesnt apply to your company.
Scope of the training:
Your companys sexual harassment training should include information and practical guidance about all federal and state sexual harassment laws. The information provided should include:
-> Prevention of harassment
-> Correction of harassment
-> Remedies available to victims
-> Practical examples aimed at prevention of harassment, discrimination and retaliation
In addition, the law mandates that trainers or educators with knowledge...