A critical mandate of the leader is to perfect his listening skills. The step here is to modify your basic outlook during interaction. How magnificent the world might be if everyone shifted to superior levels of listening. What about you? As a leader do you have desire to become a more effective listener? Why not give it a go?
Following are ten tactics that can empower you as a better listener
1. Pay attention for ideas and central themes. Hunt for the speakers fundamental theme or main points instead of getting lost in, or reacting to, the minor details.
2. Judge substance, not delivery. Concentrate, to your best ability, on what the speaker is asserting and try not to be unduly influenced by his manner of saying it.
3. Explore for areas of interest. It is tremendously easy to tune out a speaker, so labor on sharing his or her enthusiasm. Doggedly search for new ideas or insights which might be advantageous to you.
4. Never jump to premature conclusions. Its easy to presume that you know the rest of a sentence or message after hearing the beginning. Shun prejudging a message, so you can accept and evaluate all of it.
5. Take pointers,...