Wool Preparation Instructions
Select a fleece with a staple (fiber) length of at least two inches. Shorter fleeces can be spun without difficulty, but if you intend on using your handspun yarn for warp in weaving, the longer staple fibers will result in a stronger yarn.
Lay your fleece out on a table, cut side up. If the fleece is bundled, try to unroll it to maintain the wool as it came off the back of the sheep. Look over the surface of the fleece and remove any short clumps of wool known as second cuts. Look over the perimeter of the fleece and remove any dung tags (poop), really awful wool, leg wool which looks like felted fluff, and any thing that looks too matted to spin. Some people save this wool (minus the dung) for felting.
Flip the fleece over, scanning the surface of the wool for any visible hay, burrs, matted or felted wool Now sort the fleece by color, wool type, length, etc. Label bags in that manner, example being Romney, sheep number 23, grey back wool, or romney, #44, long white rump. Anything that will help you to identify where the fiber came from. Dont trust your memory.
Take a bundle of wool, whatever amount will fit in your...