Comparison shopping for term life insurance coverage is just a click away. However, before you go around clicking on websites, there some basic information you should be prepared to provide to get preliminary quotes:
Aside from the obvious underwriting information such as your name, age and gender, you will have to provide more detailed information such as:
Weight: If your height weight ratio is not within certain limits (in other words you are overweight) it may affect your rate.
Do you smoke? Smokers pay a higher rate than non smokers. Rates can be as much as three times higher. However if you have quit smoking for at least a year prior to submitting your application, you may save some money.
Health: Companies want to know how much you exercise and what type of lifestyle you live. Do you participate in risky activities like racing, scuba diving, sky diving, rock climbing?
Type of work: Is your job hazardous? For example, if you work in underground mining, high-rise construction or work with explosives, you’ll carry a higher rate.
Driving record If you’ve been convicted of reckless driving or DWI in the last 5 years...