Should you be in the early stages of a business start-up then there are elements to your personal business banking service which you should be looking for and if you havent yet set up an account now is the time to take a deep breath and go shopping!
Its a competitive market, and its often hard to be sure which services you should be looking for to provide the best service for your small business. Certainly the basics such as a business current account, savings account, and loan facilities should be there, but nowadays the upcoming business manager should be looking for more from their financial provider.
Often you are looking for support from your financial services outside of traditional office hours and its for this reason that todays small business owners should look for online access as a vital service for the building of their company. Not only does this provide true 24 hour banking support, but it enables complete transparency and allows you to pull up your small businesss financial details whenever you need them.
Having the information to hand is one thing, of course, but its also useful to have a dedicated team at the end of a phone line to run...