More and more people are opting for short term insurance policies to protect the things they value most because of the flexibility these policies offer. Short term insurance is based on a fee for service type plan, meaning it is billed on a monthly basis. As long as the bill continues to be paid, the insurance coverage continues and failure to pay will cancel the coverage.
Short term insurance coverage is available in many forms. Numerous companies offer medical and health insurance on a short term basis. Auto and boat coverage is also offered through short term policies. Short term life insurance is common as well.
Short term insurance is particularly helpful during times of transition when other insurance options may not be available. Many insurance policies discontinue coverage of children upon graduation. A short term insurance policy will assure coverage until other options open. It is also useful during job changes when a new employers coverage will not start as soon as the previous coverage ends. Most states have laws restricting the amount of time a person may use short term insurance. It is not a permanent insurance option, but can be a great asset during...